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Friday, December 31, 2010

Two Roosters Finished...almost

Here they are in color, finished but for more fussing, which of course can go on endlessly if there is no deadline.  I will post the absolutely finished version, with comments, in a day or two.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Along the Graphite Path: an occasional blog about drawing, illustration and animation

The first thing I discovered here: many good blog names are already taken, and I had to put in some thought and effort to come up with a suitable name for mine.  I tried variations on drawing and on line, as that is the basis of my art, but didn't find anything I liked.  Finally I settled on Along the Graphite Path.  Graphite describes the pencil drawing medium, and almost all the artwork I do at least begins with at least one pencil drawing. 

My first subject is whimsical and timely: a caricature of the two Rooster Cogburns together.  Each with his one good eye regards the other with deliberation, a look of sizing-up, of waiting for the other to twitch, to make a move to draw his revolver or perhaps to speak.

Partly, I want to do this before anyone else does, or at least before I see anyone else's version.  So here is the first sketch, appropriately in pencil , of Jeff Bridges and John Wayne as Rooster and Rooster.